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If you would like to pay via bank transfer (full payment only) please use the following details:


ANZ Bank Details for X10 Effect Pty Ltd

Company address: P.O. BOX 1102 Broadbeach QLD 4218 Australia

BSB: 012 468 | ACC: 202 589 159 | SWIFT: ANZBAU3MXXX

Reference: Your Name

Daily Crypto & DeFi Coach Hotline
For 12 Whole Months!

  • Direct 1:1 access to a coach every day of the week!
  • Mon – Fri a coach will be online & available to book a call
  • 52 weeks of one-on-one support with a head coach
  • Every single work day we'll be available for you to book a Crypto or DeFi support question call

VALUED $26,000

Crypto & DeFi Inner Circle
Live Weekly Online Sessions

All of our latest working and passive earning investments, crypto market analysis, and tips for DeFi, Metaverse, Trading, Web 3.0 - So you can EARN and PROFIT while you’re learning.

Be part of our V.I.P. community!

VALUED $13,000

12 Months - PERSONAL ACCESS Private Message Group

Direct message access to Damien, Simon, Jonathan, and Myself for 12 months!

VALUED $10,000

DeFi 'Done For You'

Fully set up DeFi Staking
(Done For You)

Fully set up DeFi Lending
(Done For You)

Fully set up DeFi Liquidity Pool
(Done For You)

VALUED $15,000

Message Alerts On Latest
Altcoin Opportunities

  • Get alerts delivered via our private Discord group
  • Be the first to know when a new opportunity arises
  • Receive instant notifications on the latest altcoin trades
  • Never miss a highly profitable new trade to jump on!

VALUED $6,000

Private Online Members Area

  • Get access to our private members area for life
  • You'll have lifetime access to market updates, new learning material, worksheets, and more!
  • Our training videos & resources are updated monthly

VALUED $10,000


  • Private Platinum group training on exclusive time-sensitive opportunities - LIFETIME ACCESS!
  • Get access to a private community of like-minded individuals
  • Participate in new emerging mega trends before they go mainstream
  • Potential to make thousands in just Airdrops alone!


Here's What You Get…

  • 12 Months Daily Crypto & DeFi Coach 1:1 Hotline - $26,000
  • 12 Months Live Online Weekly Inner Circle Sessions - $13,000
  • 12 Months Personal Access Private Message Group - $10,000
  • Fully Set Up DeFi Staking Strategy (Done For You) - $5,000
  • Fully Set Up DeFi Lending Strategy (Done For You) - $5,000
  • Fully Set Up DeFi Liquidity Pool Strategy (Done For You) - $5,000
  • SMS Text Alerts On Latest Crypto Altcoin Opportunities - $6,000
  • Lifetime Access To Our Private Online Members Area - $10,000
  • First Movers Advantage Platinum V.I.P. Super Pass - PRICELE$$

VALUED $80,000

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

TOTAL VALUE = $80,000

If you would like to pay via bank transfer (full payment only) please use the following details:


ANZ Bank Details for X10 Effect Pty Ltd

Company address: P.O. BOX 1102 Broadbeach QLD 4218 Australia

BSB: 012 468 | ACC: 202 589 159 | SWIFT: ANZBAU3MXXX

Reference: Your Name

Legal Disclaimer

X10 Effect Pty Ltd does not believe in promoting "get rich quick" programs. We all know that no one will make money quickly and consistently. It doesn’t happen. There is risk in everything we do and we want to explain the risks to you when it comes to business and investing. Past results are not indicative of future results.

X10 Effect Pty Ltd and all individuals affiliated with the company assume no responsibilities for your results. The information and all other features are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as business or investment advice. Your use of the information on this site is entirely at your own risk and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information. You must assess the risk of any business or investment with your business or financial advisor and make your own independent decisions regarding anything mentioned herein.

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