1-Day In-Person Workshop

How to make recurring, passive income thanks to NFTs without having to spend a cent to acquire them & Make up to $996 a Day from this Cryptocurrency Bear Market

You have to pay attention to this.

NFTs are about to change everything. From how we conduct business, to voting, to how we use the internet, to how we bank and to how we earn an income.

NFTs are the future and the smart money is racing to them.

Think of NFTs as digital certificates of authenticity wrapped with a hack-proof title of ownership.

Beyond proving ownership of a unique digital asset, NFTs have limitless applications. They will provide highly secured online business transactions.

Anyone involved in a transaction could see the NFT's journey from creation to the final version in real-time, as well as know exactly who else was involved in that journey. Imagine a world where there are no more transaction processing costs for buyers and sellers!

Instead of having to spend time hunting down paperwork to prove you bought and owned something, the NFT would provide a perfect record of the entire ownership history of an item. Imagine a world where there won’t be paper-based transactions

Imagine a world where the deed to your house exists as an NFT… Instead of having to be re-issued every time the property is sold, the deed logs all changes automatically. The sale would be more secure because nobody can forge house ownership, because they won’t be able to alter the NFT.

In the future, NFTs will keep track of people’s identities. Imagine a world where there is no identity theft!

NFTs will act as universal usernames and passwords too. Imagine a world where you don’t have to manually enter your usernames and passwords.

In the future, voting will be integrated with NFTs. Plus, with NFTs, you will be earning money for doing every day activities (playing games, walking, etc…)

We’ll also be using NFTs as collateral to apply for loans.

Imagine a world where you can be the bank! You’ll lend people money and earn interest, and use their NFTs as collateral.

We’ll own digital real estate in the metaverse and rent it out and become a landlord without having to purchase a physical property.

We’ll be able to own fractions of assets using NFTs. You will be able to speculate on very expensive assets without having to commit serious amounts of money. You could invest as little as $50 in a rare million-dollar collectible.

Needless to say, we’re at a very important time in history.

Whether we want to or not, we’ll all own NFTs out of necessity. They are here to stay, and if you’re an early NFT adopter, you have the opportunity to make generational wealth.

So to show you how you can potentially make massive gains as the crypto and NFT market is about to reach new highs, we’re coming to a city near you.


Monday, September 26th Sydney
Wednesday, September 28th Melbourne
Friday, September 30th Brisbane

8.30am Registration
9am Start to 5pm Finish

* The specific location is shared upon purchasing a ticket

And if your city is not mentioned, travel. You’ll be glad you did.

Now is not the time to ignore the most profitable law of economics: the universal law of supply and demand.

If supply goes down while demand increases… prices have nowhere to go but up. It’s basic economics.

And if you can understand how the law of supply and demand applies to NFTs and cryptocurrencies, you can potentially make life-changing gains.

Because we’re moments away from witnessing an unprecedented demand for NFTS and Cryptocurrencies meeting limited supply.

As an early NFT adopter, you will have a unique window of opportunity to accumulate a lot of wealth.

And to show you exactly the different ways you could potentially profit from the imminent explosive surge in demand and price, we urge you to attend.



Monday, September 26th Sydney
Wednesday, September 28th Melbourne
Friday, September 30th Brisbane

8.30am Registration
9am Start to 5pm Finish

* The specific location is shared upon purchasing a ticket

And if your city is not mentioned, travel. You’ll be glad you did.

If you feel you’ve missed the boat on making gains, or if this bear market has caused your investments to be in the red, here are undeniable facts why NFTs and Cryptocurrencies are about to enter a new phase bigger than ever before:


Blackrock, the world’s largest asset manager with over $10 trillion under management is partnering with the biggest US crypto-trading platform Coinbase. Blackrock wants to grant access to cryptocurrencies to their clients.


Governments around the world are accepting that Bitcoin is here to stay. Ukraine, El Salvador and Cuba are among the many countries who have embraced the Cryptocurrency world.


Major institutions like Paypal are rapidly accumulating Bitcoin.


Billionaires including Mark Cuban and Kevin O’Leary are racing to NFTs


Billionaire Ray Dalio has called Bitcoin a “younger generation’s alternative to gold.”


Multibillionaire and renowned investor Kevin O’Leary recently said, “NFTs are going to be huge. I’ve made several investments in the space. I think they’re going to be bigger than Bitcoin”.


30% of the global population are unbanked and do not have access to financial services so understandably NFTs, cryptocurrency, and blockchain, are heralded as the much-needed solution.


30% of the global population are unbanked and do not have access to financial services so understandably NFTs, cryptocurrency, and blockchain, are heralded as the much-needed solution.

These are the reasons why Cryptocurrencies and NFTs could represent the biggest moneymaking stampede of your life.

So now is the time to get up-to-speed by securing your place to this 1-day small classroom workshop.



Monday, September 26th Sydney
Wednesday, September 28th Melbourne
Friday, September 30th Brisbane

8.30am Registration
9am Start to 5pm Finish

* The specific location is shared upon purchasing a ticket

You will gain a deeper understanding of the NFT and cryptocurrency space and how to benefit from what’s about to occur by the end of this year.

Plus, you’ll be able to position yourself for unprecedented gains.

So don’t take this opportunity for granted.

In this training we will reveal:

  • The better, faster ways to make profits from Cryptocurrencies and NFTs (daily without taking big, unnecessary risk.
  • How to use Bitcoin’s and other coins’ volatility to your advantage and make gains daily, weekly, monthly
  • How to build a large and very profitable NFT portfolio with ZERO risk (the key to securing highly valuable NFTs without spending a cent)
  • The only 3 tools you’ll ever need to turn Cryptocurrencies and NFTs into a daily income
  • How to generate monthly, recurring, passive income from NFTs (we’ll show you how owning a SINGLE NFT can pay for itself

PLUS: We’ll share our top Cryptocurrency and NFT picks that could help you potentially capture a lifetime of wealth over the next 12 months.

This Training Is For You If:

  • You are a complete beginner, just curious or an experienced Cryptocurrency or NFT investor – you’ll learn a lot regardless of your level of experience
  • You don’t want to miss out on this window of opportunity to potentially make a lifetime of gains from NFTs and cryptocurrencies
  • You only have limited funds to invest and are not a risk taker
  • You want to start profiting from the Cryptocurrency and NFT market but don’t know what to do and where to start
  • You are overwhelmed with all the information around Cryptocurrencies and NFTs and are still very confused about it all
  • You are time poor and want strategies that are not time consuming to implement (NOTE: many income producing strategies will share are 100% passive)

If this describes you, then you’re going to be absolutely be thrilled by attending this in-person training.

And to make it possible for anyone to attend, we’ve removed price as a barrier. So we’re inviting YOU to attend this first-of-a-kind in-person training for only $29.

Don’t take it for granted because this training is normally valued at $3,000, but yours for only $29 if you act fast.

Why are we doing this? Because since 2020 and the pandemic, we stopped running in-person trainings and have been inundated by messages from people asking us to run them again.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

We’re closing the doors after more than 30 people register per city – due to limited room capacity.

So if you want to attend then you’d better register RIGHT NOW by clicking on the city of your choice.

Also, bring a loved one, friend, or colleague. You’ll enjoy it more knowing you’ve helped a loved one too...


Seats are strictly limited, so you’ll need to register now by clicking on the “secure my seat” tab below the city of your choice.

This will take you straight to the registration page and upon payment will automatically reserve your spot.
You’ll then be sent your e-ticket by email with all the details.

Look, we can’t guarantee we’ll run another training like this one.

Just spending a day with us could make a massive difference in your financial future.

So give yourself full permission to potentially reach your financial goals faster than you ever thought possible and remove the painful trial and error process you will experience if you try to figure it all out on your own.

Simply click the “secure my seat” button below the city of your choice on this page to reserve your spot, and let this life-changing training do the rest.

Here are 6 reasons you MUST attend this training:


The training is only $29 and includes complimentary morning tea and afternoon tea, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain


The training is taking place in-person, in a small classroom environment so you can get the answers to all your questions


There is a lot of confusion about Cryptocurrencies and NFTs, and a lot of conflicting predictions. This training will give you the clarity and peace of mind you need


Multiple strategies will be shared to suit your risk profile and risk appetite


You will gain the knowledge to potentially profit from Cryptocurrencies and NFTs regardless of your investment capital. You will be shown how to enter the Cryptocurrency game with as little as $100 and the NFT market with ZERO capital


We have NEVER run this training before – this will be BRAND NEW information



Monday, September 26th Sydney
Wednesday, September 28th Melbourne
Friday, September 30th Brisbane

8.30am Registration
9am Start to 5pm Finish

* The specific location is shared upon purchasing a ticket

And if your city is not mentioned, travel. You’ll be glad you did.

About the Speakers

Jonathan Jobe

Jonathan Jobe started his career in the automotive industry.

After experiencing several personal challenges, including divorce and having to raise two severely autistic children on his own, he discovered the power of trading through his cousin.

Within 14 days he was making enough to be able to move out from living in his parents’ garage.

He now makes even larger gains, in less time by trading Cryptocurrencies. His returns vary from 50% up to 471% returns within 2 weeks.

His passion is to help people leverage the combined power of Cryptocurrencies and trading, while enjoying a full-time living from anywhere in the world.

Mystery Speaker

One of Australia's top NFT experts and the most in-demand speaker on the topic of NFTs. For the past 3 years, he has generated over 6 figures thanks to NFTs and has helped many people around the world successfully invest in NFTs and Cryptocurrencies.



Monday, September 26th Sydney
Wednesday, September 28th Melbourne
Friday, September 30th Brisbane

8.30am Registration
9am Start to 5pm Finish

* The specific location is shared upon purchasing a ticket

And if your city is not mentioned, travel. You’ll be glad you did.

Legal Disclaimer

X10 Effect Pty Ltd does not believe in promoting "get rich quick" programs. We all know that no one will make money quickly and consistently. It doesn’t happen. There is risk in everything we do and we want to explain the risks to you when it comes to business and investing. Past results are not indicative of future results.

X10 Effect Pty Ltd and all individuals affiliated with the company assume no responsibilities for your results. The information and all other features are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as business or investment advice. Your use of the information on this site is entirely at your own risk and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information. You must assess the risk of any business or investment with your business or financial advisor and make your own independent decisions regarding anything mentioned herein.

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PH: +61 07 5603 3934 (9am to 5pm AEST) Mon-Fri excluding public holidays - EMAIL: info@x10effect.com
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