Get started today! 

The Complete DeFi Training Course For Earning Passive Income With Your Crypto

If you would like to pay via bank transfer (full payment only) please use the following details:


ANZ Bank Details for X10 Effect Pty Ltd

Company address: P.O. BOX 1102 Broadbeach QLD 4218 Australia

BSB: 012 468

ACC: 202 589 159


Reference: Your Name

8 Online Training Modules

  • Module 1 - Blockchain, Smart Contracts, & Tokens
  • Module 2 - Choosing & Setting Up Your DeFi Wallet
  • Module 3 - Buying Crypto & Connecting Your Wallet
  • Module 4 - Staking To Generate Passive Income
  • Module 5 - Lending & Borrowing For Earning Interest
  • Module 6 - Liquidity Mining For Recurring Income
  • Module 7 - Building A Bulletproof DeFi Portfolio
  • Module 8 - Managing Your Portfolio Like A Pro

VALUED $6,400

1:1 Fast Start Set-Up Call

  • Create a “crypto only” email address
  • Register you with a reputable exchange
  • Enable 2FA (2-Factor Authentication)
  • Get your DeFi wallet set up for you
  • One-on-one call with a head coach

VALUED $2,000

Live Weekly Group Coaching 

LIVE weekly coaching sessions.
You’ll receive weekly group coaching calls (online via Zoom) to help guide you through the program and fast track your way to success. Be part of our DeFi community!

VALUED $4,000


Unlimited Email Support

You’ll receive 12 months of unlimited email support to help you with any questions or challenges you might have using the DeFi Income Optimizer program. 24/7 support.

VALUED $3,500

12 Months - Weekly Market Updates,
News & Technical Analysis


Save thousands of hours in research!

Receive our insider info on:

  • New Start-Ups
  • Major Announcements
  • Breaking News
  • Disruptive Ideas
  • Best-Performing Coins
  • The Latest Trends

You’ll get this WEEKLY!



Crypto Mega Trends Masterclass
(GameFi, Metaverse, NFTs)

  • Take full control of your assets with the latest trends
  • Earn Crypto from Gaming & then trade for real world money
  • Discover how to invest in NFTs & profit from them
  • The latest Metaverse coins before they go mainstream
  • Comprehensive video training + accompanying guide



3-Day “Virtual” Workshop

  • Join our LIVE 3-day virtual Crypto & DeFi workshop for students only
  • Structured and intensive private training, with breaks, and Q&A
  • We reveal the latest projects to invest in & opportunities happening now
  • 2 tickets for you and a person of your choice!!

DATES: 18th – 20th April, 2023

VALUED $2,994


Top DeFi Coin Picks For 2023 - CONFIDENTIAL

  • Take all the guess work out!
  • The best DeFi cryptocurrencies to buy right now
  • Get in early on coins before they go mainstream
  • Get an inside look on what DeFi projects I've invested in
  • You get my top DeFi coin picks for 2023!

NOTE: First 20 People Only

VALUED $1,200


“Done For You” Liquidity Pool

  • One-on-one with a coach (not a group call)
  • Get your crypto into a reputable LP provider
  • Show you how to take profits as often as you want
  • Start making money while you learn
  • This is passive income from day one!

NOTE: First 10 People Only

VALUED $5,000

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

TOTAL VALUE = $26,584

If you would like to pay via bank transfer (full payment only) please use the following details:


ANZ Bank Details for X10 Effect Pty Ltd

Company address: PO BOX 1102 Broadbeach QLD 4218 Australia

BSB: 012 468

ACC: 202 589 159


Reference: Your name

Legal Disclaimer

X10 Effect Pty Ltd does not believe in promoting "get rich quick" programs. We all know that no one will make money quickly and consistently. It doesn’t happen. There is risk in everything we do and we want to explain the risks to you when it comes to business and investing. Past results are not indicative of future results.

X10 Effect Pty Ltd and all individuals affiliated with the company assume no responsibilities for your results. The information and all other features are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as business or investment advice. Your use of the information on this site is entirely at your own risk and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information. You must assess the risk of any business or investment with your business or financial advisor and make your own independent decisions regarding anything mentioned herein.

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